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Our Host

Meet Samantha Brooks, the vibrant host of Little Buds Nature Club. Experienced, engaging, and a delightful role model for young minds to blossom.
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My Passion

Welcome to our world-school family, where passion for travel intertwines with a commitment to learning and living sustainably on Earth. With a teaching background and expertise in off-grid nature building and permaculture, we embark on a journey to document our experiences and share our learnings with fellow travelers."

My Vision

Within my vision, collaboration with kindred spirits worldwide is paramount. While each family crafts specialized curricula, we maintain a global connection through enriching field trips and retreats, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and wisdom throughout the years.

My Affiliations

From permaculture to yoga, and creativity to cleansing, I offer a sanctuary for self-discovery, transformation, and reconnecting with the innate wisdom within us all. As a Kula Collective Affiliate, and associated with Forrest School Host, Stroller Strides, & High Vibe Tribe, I'm dedicated to fostering holistic growth and community empowerment.

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